CZE Edit

Our Founder Chloe shares her story
“After experiencing postpartum hair loss myself, I wanted to create a range that was not only effective but safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding....
Emily Algar's Summer List
Emily Algar's Summer Must Haves Reading this summer: Currently re-reading A Year Of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion (it just gets better). Cocktail of choice: In...
Chloe’s Summer Must-Haves
From beauty tips to must-have products, here’s Chloe’s guide to summer. Summer is here, and Chloe is sharing her ultimate list for a season of...
An Intimate Dinner Celebrating The Launch of CZE Hair
Last night, we had the pleasure of hosting an intimate dinner with some of our nearest & dearest at BEAU in Ponsonby to celebrate the...
A Letter From Our Founder Chloe.
Welcome to CZE HAIR – Beautiful hair, without the effort. I’m thrilled to introduce you to CZE – Chloe Zara Essentials, pronounced cee zee. As we rebrand...